
incoloy 800ht vintli murvat c / w og'ir hex non non n08811

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№107-Incoloy 800HT tejamkor murvat UNS N08811 og'ir hex yong'og'i

Texnik xususiyatlari

Incoloy 800ht
screw, bolt, stud bolt, thread rod, washer. round bar
Yuqori parchalanishning uzilish kuchi
in stock


DarajasiUNSWerkstoff Nr.
Incoloy 800HN088101.4958
Incoloy 800HTN088111.4959

Note that the chemical composition of Incoloy 800HT will always be within the limits of Incoloy 800H.

*Note the limits of Incoloy 800H may or may not be within the limits of Incoloy 800HT.

Physical Properties

DarajasiZichlikMelting Point
Incoloy 800H/800HT8.0 g/cm31370°C-1400 °C

Mexanik xususiyatlari

QotishmaMustahkamlik chegarasiHosildorlik kuchiUzayish
Incoloy 800H/800HT450 N/mm²170 N/mm²35%

Characteristics of incoloy 800H/800HT

Yuqori harorat kuchi
Yuqori parchalanishning uzilish kuchi
Yuqori haroratli muhitda oksidlanish va karbürizasyona chidamli
Ko'p kislotali muhitda yaxshi korroziyaga qarshilik
Oltingugurt o'z ichiga olgan ko'plab atmosferalarga yaxshi qarshilik

Incoloy 800H/800HT application

Ethylene furnace quench boilers
Hydrocarbon cracking
Valves, fittings and other components exposed to corrosive attack from 1100-1800° F
Industrial furnaces
Heat-treating equipment
Chemical and petrochemical processing
Super-heater and re-heaters in power plants
Pressure vessels
Heat exchangers

Tez ma'lumotlar

Kelib chiqishi joyi: Tszyansu, Xitoy (materik)
Turi: Nikel bar
Application: Industrial furnaces,Heat-treating equipment etc.
Grade: Incoloy 800ht
Ni (Min): 30
Kukun yoki yo'q: kukun emas
Ultimate Strength (≥ MPa): 450
Elongation (≥ %): 35
Model Number: incoloy 800ht
Tovar nomi: QFC.HPF
surface: bright or black
dimension: customized
Yetkazib berish muddati: 5-20 kun
qadoqlash: standart dengiz tuziga mos qadoq
standard: ASTM
hastelloy bolt: Hastelloy C276 / UNS N10276 / 2.4819


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