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Karbonli po'lat

Stainless Steel SS304,SS316 etc

Issiqlik bilan ishlov berishTempering. Hardening, Spheroidizing, Stress Relieving


Carbon Steel:HRC2~32 HRC32~39 HRC39~44
Yuzaki tugatishRux, nikel, bronza, mis, fosfat, oksidlanish qora, Passivatsiya, qalay, dakromet, oltin, xrom, kumush, parkerizish, rux-nikel qotishmasi va boshqalar.
O'lchov standartiISO,GB,DIN,JIS,ANSI,BSW or base on the Drawings or Samples
Texnik xususiyatlari QatorM4~M36,length:20~300mm
Bosh shakllariHex Head, etc.


Haydovchi turlariNO or phillips or slotted

Business Term

Namuna mavjud1. Agar bizda mavjud vositalar mavjud bo'lsa, namunalar bepul, siz faqat yuk narxini to'lashingiz kerak .So'ram 7 dan 10 ish kunigacha taqdim etiladi.

2. Agar mahsulotlar nostandart bo'lsa va mavjud asboblarni inventarizatsiya qilish imkoniyati bo'lmasa, qolib narxi oldindan to'lanishi kerak, keyin 200pcs dan kam bepul namuna sizga 10-15 ish kuni ichida taqdim etiladi, siz faqat yuk narxini to'laysiz.

MOQ1. biz oz miqdordagi, ammo 1000 donadan kam bo'lmagan sinov buyurtmasini qabul qilamiz

2. Biz sizning ma'lumotingiz uchun konteyner ma'lumotlarini taqdim etamiz.

IncotermsEXW Dongguan (FCA), FOB Shenzhen, CNF, CIF.DDU
To'lov shartlariAccept any payment terms such as T/T, D/P, D/A, even though sell on credit
Qadoqlash1,1000 dona / plastik to'rva, 20 kg / karton, keyin yog'och pallet bilan,

2.Karton hajmi: 28cm * 18cm * 13cm,

3.Wood palletining o'lchami: 118 sm * 113 sm, vazni: 700 ~ 800Kg ommaviy: 0,8 kub

4. 20FT konteynerning vazni: 20 ~ 25 tonna

5, sizning talablaringiz kabi

Yangi mahsulotni o'zlashtirib olishga ketadigan vaqtWithin 20-25 working days as usual
Kafolat1. Biz mahsulot toifalariga qarab kafolatni aniqlash qobiliyatiga egamiz va 18 oydan ortiq kafolat beramiz.

2. Biz bilvosita, tasodifiy voqealar natijasida etkazilgan zarar uchun hech qachon, istalgan joyda javobgarlikni o'z zimmamizga olmaymiz

Fabrika haqida:

Over ten years experience in manufacturing precision electronic screw, self tapping screws, rivets, automatic lathe turning parts, joint pins, nuts, washers, non-standard screws, especially professional at OEM/ODM

1 We have advanced equipment, high technology and excellent R&D department

2 Strict quality-control system for every production process

3 Long-term freight forwarders partners to ensure delivery goods to various countries for our customers

4 Our sales are almost 24hours available online, providing best before-sale and after-sale service


1) Savol: Siz savdo kompaniyasi yoki ishlab chiqaruvchisiz?
A: We are an Industry&Trade Company .Our factory name is Dongguan Anma Hardware Co., LTD

2) Savol: Sizda qanday ishlab chiqarish uskunalari mavjud? va sizning asosiy mahsulotlaringiz qaysi qismlarga tegishli?
Javob: Ko'p turli xil ishlab chiqarish uskunalari mavjud, asosan sovuq kalıplama mashinasi, avtomatik torna. Biz asosan nostandart nozik elektron vintlardek va torna buyumlarini ishlab chiqaramiz.

3) Savol: Nima uchun sizni tanlashim kerak? Sizning afzalliklaringiz qanday? Siz xizmat ko'rsatadigan sohalar?
A: We are a professional manufacturer and have over ten years production and management experience
in the field of fasteners .Our factory is now also ISO 9001 certified.
we not only provide you with high quality products, but also are your industrial fastener solution supplier.
We can provide our customers with a good solution in the area of production design, production process,
packaging and after-sale service.Customer satisfaction is our sole pursuit.

4) Savol: Sizning mahsulotingiz qaysi sohada ishlatilishi maqsadga muvofiq?
Javob: Mahsulotlarimiz elektron va kompyuter sanoati, ck kabi sohalarda qo'llaniladi
mashina uskunalari, Beton sanoati, tashqi asbob-uskunalar, qoplama metall shassi shkaflari, okean kimyoviy sanoati.

5) Savol: Agar hex soket boshi vidasi uchun hex allen kaliti (allen kaliti) kabi mahkamlagichlarimizga mos keladigan mahsulotlar kerak bo'lsa, siz ularni etkazib bera olasizmi? Biz uchun qanday turdagi qo'llab-quvvatlanadigan mahsulotlarni taklif qilishingiz mumkin?
A:We not only provide our customer with the fastener we produce, but also can provide nuts for screws, springs, washers,
stamping parts, related tools such as hex allen key(allen wrench) for hex socket head cap screw, other items you require us to buy.

We are your fastener problem expert. Pls challenge us when you face the difficulties of fastener.

Why should you choose HPF

1)Industrial Experience and Advanced Equipment
We have gained more than ten years experience in research, development and manufacture of the fasteners,
and have more professional technical staff for design and quality control. There are 80 sets advanced production
equipment and more quality control tools for ensuring 100% satisfation from our customer.

2) Minglab mahsulotlar va yigirma xil katalog
We have twenty different kinds of catalog for your choice and thousands of products for your reference. We also can
do it as your required. You can challenge us if you can.

3) Good Service and High Quality
We can provide all kinds of international certificates such as ISO 9001 certificate, etc. All our products have to pass
four inspections. Firstly, preproduction material inspection; Secondly, professional inspection by QC; Thirdly,
salesman casual inspection and the third party inspection or customer inspection. Our sales are almost
24hours available online, providing best before-sale and after-sale service.

Tez ma'lumotlar

Place of Origin:Jiangsu, China (Mainland),
Standart: DIN
Specifications: Cup head square neck bolts
Hardness: HRC22~32 or HV200
Heat Treatment: Hardening OR no hardening
Function: Connection,Fastening
Range of application: Cabinet, Sheet metal, motors. Building decoration etc.
Sample:Available free within 7days
Bulk lead time: 20`~25days
Reliability test: Mechanical dimentions