
super dupleks s32750 murvat 2507 f53 1.4410 hex murabbo yong'oq katta yuvish vositalari

Uy »  Mahkamlagich vintlardek »  super dupleks s32750 murvat 2507 f53 1.4410 hex murabbo yong'oq katta yuvish vositalari

No.25-Incoloy a286 olti burchakli boltlar 1.4980 a286 zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan dastgoh dastgohlari

Mahsulot tavsifi:
We are instrumental in providing our clients with a perfect quality Super Duplex S32750 Bolts 2507 F53 1.4410 Hex Jam Nuts Big Washers. These products are widely demanded and appreciated by our clients for their brilliant features. Our dexterous professionals manufacture these products by utilizing the finest quality raw material that is totally rust free. In ahead of their final dispatch, these are quality checked by our quality controllers on various parameters set by the industry.


HajmiMetr diametri M5 dan M100 dyuym diametri 1/4 "dan 3" gacha
Materiallar316L 904L 317L 254SMO 654SMO AL6XN 1.4529 AISI310S S32760 Nikel mis qotishmasi,

Ikki tomonlama zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan 2205, zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan 2507,

Hastelloy C276, hastelloy C4, Hastelloy C4, Hastelloy C22. Xastelloy B3,

SUS321, Monelk500, Monel400, 724L, Inconel718, Inconel625, Inconel600,

Incoloy825, 309S, Inconel601, A286, Alloy59, 316Ti, SUS347,17-4PH.Nickle201 ... Ect.

Mahsulot assortimentiBolt, gayka, vida, yuvish vositasi, tishli novda, gardish, payvandlash dastagi
StandartDIN ASME GB JIS standart bo'lmagan mahsulotlar
MOQHech bo'lmaganda 100 dona, hajmi va materialiga ko'ra
Namuna siyosati namuna taqdim etilishi mumkin bo'lsa, namunaviy to'lov olinmaydi.
Namuna vaqtiAgar bizda mavjud bo'lsa, bir kunlik etkazib berish, agar yo'q bo'lsa - bir hafta.
Stokdagi narsalarda904L yong'oq M6 dan M20 gacha, zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan olti burchakli M6 dan M20 gacha

316L olti burchakli murvat M6 dan M30 gacha. M6 dan M30 gacha 316L olti burchakli murvat

Bitta bitta xaridbiz sizga bitta masalada yordam beramiz - sotib olishni to'xtating
OEM qabul qilindiHa
Tegirmon sinov sertifikatiHa
Tekshirish to'g'risidagi hisobotHa
To'lov muddatiL / C T / T Western Union
Paket tafsilotlariKarton quti 200x100x200, sxemasidan 900X500X400


1.Production Team Advantage:
we have the excellent technology staff, and all of them with enough R&D experience, also can be produce the excellent Products according to different Customer drawing or sample;
2. Price Advantage:
As an manufacturer, we have big advantages to reduce the product's cost, also can be give more discount to customers according to the ORDER quantity. It is the Traders can not be reached;
3. Custom Service
OEM custom service service is available, we can manufacture standard and non-standard fastener products according to your drawings. We provide the perfect pre-sale and after sale service.

1-savol: Nima uchun HDF ni tanlash kerak?
To provide our customers with first-class services in the supply of quality bolt minimizing costs.
Q2: How is quality ensured?
Bizning barcha jarayonlarimiz ISO9001: 2008 protseduralariga qat'iy amal qiladi. Bizda ishlab chiqarishdan tortib etkazib berishgacha sifat nazorati bor. Bizning kompaniyamiz kuchli texnologik yordamga ega, hamkasblarimizning 80 foizi magistr yoki bakalavr darajalariga ega. Biz zamonaviy menejment kontseptsiyasini yaxshi biladigan, mahsulot sifati bilan yaxshi tanish bo'lgan menejerlar guruhini yaratdik.
Q3: Can you strictly follow the tolerance on the drawing and meet the high precision?
Ha, biz qila olamiz, biz yuqori aniqlikdagi qismlarni taqdim eta olamiz va qismlarni sizning chizishingizga aylantiramiz.
Q4: How should I order and make payment?
By T/T, for samples 100% with the order; for production, 30% paid for deposit by T/T before production arrangement, the balance to be paid before shipment. negotiation accepte
Q5: What’s your Delivery Time?
Standard parts: 7-25days
Non-standard parts: 15-30days
We will make the delivery as soon as possible with the guarantee quality
Q6:How to Custom-made (OEM/ODM)?
If you have a new product drawing or a sample, please send to us, and we can custom-made the as your required. We will also provide our professional advices of the products to make the design to be more realized & maximize the performance.
Q7:Which mode of transport would be better?
In general, the product are heavy, we advice to make delivery by sea, Also we respect your views of other transportation as well.

Bizning xizmatlar:
Qanday mahsulotlarni taklif qila olamiz?
Biz mahkamlagichlar ishlab chiqaruvchisiz, shuning uchun sizga har qanday hajmdagi mahsulotlarni taklif qilishimiz mumkin.
Zavodimiz haqida nima deyish mumkin?
Biz Jiangsu shahridagi eng yirik savdo kompaniyalaridan biri bo'lib, Xitoyda "mahkamlagich poytaxti" deb nomlanadi va bizning mahsulotlarimiz yuqori sifatli va maqbul narxga ega. Va agar siz biz bilan uzoq muddatli hamkorlik aloqalariga ega mijoz bo'lsangiz, biz sizga ham bir oz chegirma berishimiz mumkin. Va sizning tashrifingizni doimo kutib olamiz.
Agar siz bizning mahsulotimizga qiziqsangiz yoki biron bir savolingiz bo'lsa, iltimos biz bilan bog'laning va biz sizning hamkorlik imkoniyatini chin dildan qadrlaymiz. Yaqin kelajakda yaxshi munosabatda bo'lamiz degan umiddamiz.
Shuningdek, biz turli xil murvat stanoklarini, masalan, DIN931, DIN912, DIN6921, DIN603, A307, A325 kema uchun etkazib bera olamiz.

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